Our Parents Prayers

by - December 25, 2012

Our parents were not born with silver spoons in their mouths or born in the land of milk and honey, but the foundation of faith and prayer is what has made us who we are today. Lessons of reassurance and motivation from our parents has helped us overcome life challenges. 

My father, man, I admire him so much, and I love him. From childhood, pops has always been my role model, he's humble, determined, dedicated, and much more ; amongst all,  his love for my mother and brothers mixed with Spiritual doctrines have cooked us all into good and humble people.

My mom, love her. She's angel. She's our all and all. Love you mama.

We prayed always and didn't miss Sunday school. The messages from Church believe it or not, has lived on. It's has been an amazing parenting style that has held their marriage strong as well. During challenging times, giving up has never been an option, and believing on a positive outcome has become a norm.

Thank God for our parents.
Amen God Has Blessed Our Love

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