Back to Work

by - September 04, 2013

The splendid time we had at our wedding has given us every right drag our blog lazingly, but we have realized that we cannot be selfish by keeping it all to ourselves.

The taught of going back to work... we miss work and co-workers, but still in wedding mode. Maybe we can type this post slow-----ly.. Feels like we never worked before the wedding, all we talk about is how amazing the wedding was, and all the festivities involved. The friends and family we hadn't seen in ages who shared the day with us- we are humbled. Thinking back now, nostalgia is kicking in.  The music, the food, ok ok back to business. One last thing, we thank God for a successful wedding.


First day back to work was not a busy day, so we got to share our pictures and sweet memories with our co-workers who couldn't make it to the wedding. Our glow was undeniable- most said. Overall, it felt good to have had so much positive accolades from the people you spend most of your  week with. It's amazing what we do as healthcare providers, and its inspiring to share serene ambience with optimistic people. 


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