Happy Anniversary -Our Engagement

by - February 11, 2014

Exactly 2 years ago, I took that knee and proposed to you, it was a significant milestone in my life, and now a vibrant memory that we both share. It was a great day. Oh man, it was joyous and splendorous. 

Lilian, I've loved you always and I forever will.  I remember how excitedly nervous and anxious I was, but when you walked in, I felt that calmness, that peacefulness, and a fulfillment of joy and happiness. I said wow! She look so beautiful. I then believed that this is happening. My dream has come true.

The beautiful white dress, the well laced white veil, your black, shinny and  silky hair: hmm! and as I got closer, you smelled like heaven. In the presence of our families, I made that vow to love you always, to take you as you are, to be patient, caring and kind to you. And that's how it would always be. 

You are an amazing woman. God's blessing and I will always Cherrish an Love you. 

Happy Anniversary,
Love Always,
Your Husband,

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