Failure Builds Success

by - March 06, 2013

Failing, ugh!

So disappointing,  just the feeling of not being able to achieve a set goal used to be nauseating to me. I
used to say, I hate to fail. Guess what? I've grown to appreciate the failure as effort in trying.

I never thought that Failure would be a good motivational friend o mine, it  has become my new friend, I have redefined it in my life, and replaced it with "a first attempt". I barely say it, rather, I say, my "first attempt" needs more effort- I gotta work harder at it next time. It gears me up to set higher goals.

I once thought of becoming a DJ.  At first,  barely did I get any positive reviews, for this reason, I spent countless hours practicing, and practicing, and practicing.

 The picture below shows an audience of  500 people who danced their hearts out to great music I played in Europe, 2005.

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