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An amazing song, talks about treating her royal, doing all the things she'd love you to do. It really feels
good to be love, and to love, you know, you loose nothing, and spiritually it's enlightening. I love being
love, so I aways love. It feels good to make her day always.
Enjoy these amazing tracks, and make sure to dance to the Ghana groove (1st 2 songs) if you don't
understand the lyrics. Good music is universal
If we talked only of the good time's, it wouldn't make us human.
Challenges and obstacle are overcome by God's grace
Challenges and obstacle are overcome by God's grace
To create a facade of "a perfect relationship" is ultimately not our goal. Like everyone else in life, we
do face challenges; we disagree like any other couple at times, but we face our challenges, and
overcome our pitfalls.
overcome our pitfalls.
Defying the odds in any relationship is a major, and a constant ordeal, but prayer smoothens and heals
all wounds. No one know's what tomorrow brings, therefore, we live not in perfection, but we flourish
through our falls to achieve merit in our Love.
all wounds. No one know's what tomorrow brings, therefore, we live not in perfection, but we flourish
through our falls to achieve merit in our Love.
Today, we are saddened by a loss in our family. Through this, we pray for God's constant protection,
and guidance in all we do. Day's like this, we are more armored and ironcladed than ever, we lean on
each other for strength, and for God's ultimate protection.
We defy the odd's pessimism, we will overcome, God be our helper.
To Our
Each second of time, every speed of sound and light, we love without boundaries or grudges. We love
because its our commitment to each other.
because its our commitment to each other.
When we eat, we eat together from the same plate, We pray together, We stay in love and live together,
We cherish each other in all we do.
We cherish each other in all we do.
My Queen is my peace of mind and peace at heart- she is the reason for my peaceful drools and
heavenly snores at night:)
heavenly snores at night:)
It's Love Only
It's Only Love
To our
Setting up a to do list is fun, exciting, curious, and adventurous. We get to see what each other has planned for the week, and how we can salad both goals and still spend quality time together.
Being together pretty much, partitions us to focus on helping each other...
See Must Do's in Realtionships- Coming Soon
To our
With a heavy schedule, and the demands of work, school and family; sparking more flames in our relationship, more or less has become a favorable and an exciting aspect of our love. It bring's out the childhood fantasies- more to reality.We both take time to look for lovable ideas' or pleasantries that we anticipate to enjoy.
We do cook a lot, most of the time together, but My Love is so smooth with her cooking , I'm trying to catch up to her- it's no walk in park keeping up with her, it's tough because she's so good at it- one day, one day " I go catch up".
So each time we cook, we anticipate the "hmmm...hmmm, babe, this is good" moment. When my Love cooks, I express my sincerest, honest taste buds acceptance- it's glamours to see how she grins and glows, and I love seeing her like that.
On the same token, when I cook, and she loves it, I love that feeling, especially when she will not stop talking about it, my shoulder broaden's and I grow dimples with a pristine initial smile proceeding a belly grabbing loud silly to hysterical laugh.
We try out different restaurants also, we dont stick to Italian, American, or Thai, we explore all sorts of food- we definitely are foodies; cautions on how we spend however.
There are certain restaurants that when you check in on your smart phone give's you discounts on what you eat; a typical example is Yelp , so we do that quite often. Don't forget, saving money spices up relationships too..
With this post we'll mainly focus on food, on the next Spicing Up Our Relationship (SUOR), we'll emphasize on our experiences with treating ourselves to massage's and other "Nirvana"- taking health modalities
We surprise each other a lot, we know what we both like, so surprises are key. It feels good to get an unexpected cologne ( men's fragrance) you've wanted; and the best part, it doesn't have to be an occasion- feels so good.
See you in the next post, when we explore other surprise ideas, working out together- biking; and, how we "treat ourselves"....
To Our Love
The flamboyant colors she explores exemplifies the beauty in her nature, and a beauty in nature, she
tell's me the colors she wears, are less vibrant than how she feels inside- hearing her say that make's me
feel good to know that I'm to be doing the right thing (s) - Loving her with all that God has given me.
tell's me the colors she wears, are less vibrant than how she feels inside- hearing her say that make's me
feel good to know that I'm to be doing the right thing (s) - Loving her with all that God has given me.
She's ultimately a testimony of an answered prayer, and a fulfillment of all that this man desires; her
character towards other's, her love for all of humanity, and her constant keen willingness to extend a
helping hand shed's a glorious flamboyance of heavenly kindness.
character towards other's, her love for all of humanity, and her constant keen willingness to extend a
helping hand shed's a glorious flamboyance of heavenly kindness.
I dont go a minute without saying Thank you for this, or for that, and thank you for us- we are without
a doubt God's blessing
a doubt God's blessing
I never wrote this much, and I'm beginning to ask myself where is this side of me is coming from.....
Well, give me a minute to look around....I realize its Bob Marley's Three Little Bird's in the
background, a mint candle shadowing the quiet walls, and blessing the room with sweet aroma, her
voice as she mumbles the lyrics across the room- I guess the feeling is from within and auras around
How I really feel? Free to be in love with a "Colored" Woman - it's beautiful
As long as we live,
As long as God permits
Our Love Will Remain Pure
With your prayer, and our constant devotion
We remain Victorious
To Our
To the one who makes me whole,
Baby Happy Birthday to you, I'm thankful to God for you, and I couldn't be any happier
Baby Happy Birthday to you, I'm thankful to God for you, and I couldn't be any happier
My life has become complete, and I love all about you
Wow babe, did I just see a grey hair?
Maybe it's my early stage Cataracts
Any who, Today is a blessing, a day much deserved
I wish you more Love and Happiness
Great Health, Peace, Joy, Success, and Prosperity
I pray that God will continue to Bless our Love now and Forever More
Great Health, Peace, Joy, Success, and Prosperity
I pray that God will continue to Bless our Love now and Forever More
This day symbolizes God's continual promise of Grace, Mercy, and Everlasting Blessings
To you, to all you aspire to be, and all your heart desires
I'm so happy for you, then I realize it's not my birthday, I guess I can hitchhike this special day with
Thank you for all you do for our Love
Happy Birthday
I Love You Baby
A good shoe is definitely not only a solid stance in stature, but speaks a thousand words, and represent's what you "stand" for. I just got these Great Jone's Chukka's from Cole Haan Great Jones Chukka
Courtesy of Cole Haan
Great Jone ChukkaIf you are purchasing this Chukka or any comfortable shoe, its alomost a sin not to solidify your stance comfortable in socks that breath easy on your sole (soul) I have always Town Stripe Socks, and they are currently on sale at the above link by Cole Haan also
You definately will not go wrong wearing this with a hot blazer, Macy's have Navy Blue Blazer for $92.99, it is slim fit, buttons to the front and vent in the back; but you can get it for cheaper when you sign up for a Macy's card, and other mailed in coupons.
Indeed, this is a blessed profession.
Wake up by 5:30am, leave home by 615am, no time to eat breakfast, get to work by 645am, and start working by 658am. Still no breakfast, get report on one, or two, or three patients, and make rounds, attend to orders, verify medications, infusions and patient's critical level's, the clock ticks, and it's 930am.
A sneak in and out to the pantry for some crackers with apple juice or some cereal with milk, goggle it down fast with some water, and back to work. The best 5 minutes of the day much appreciated by a calling appetite. Thank you Lord!!
Get medications, start administering medications, that is if nothing goes wrong with any of the acutely ill patients, by 1050, medications are given, soon, bladder call seems demanding , but new orders demands prevents this organ relief. Ho---ld on.....some Kegel exercise and its all forgotten about.
It's 11am and its time for noon medication administration along with dressing changes, blood administration, sedation holidays, suctioning, oral care, repositioning, decubiti care, pumps and ventilators alarming, phones hacking, monitors screaming v-runs and a-fibs, and soon-------a deep breath, and reality sets in for documentation. All this while and no penned documentation?
Its 1230pm and the bladder roars to empty or be disgraced. Bathroom break amazingly becomes relieving. A deep Sigh of Relieeeeeeeef!!! Eyes closed, and silent patient prioritization is mentally being implemented. Hand hygiene...oops! a text from Love" have a blessed day, I love you" Reply text, and phone rings for patient oxygen desaturation, a page to respiratory therapist to adjust settings, and detailed explanation to panicking family members who anticipates water- into- wine recovery of loved one. Amen!
Indeed this is a blessed profession.
By now, an expert at standing whiles eating, eagerly eats jollof rice from home and ensures to grind chicken musculature to enhance fiber and calcium consumption. A look through the window at sunny and cold afternoon confirms vitamin D deficiency- boy oh boy!!!! Malnutrition, Vitamin D deficiency , Cardiac issues.....ok back to reality. Tops up lunch with no water but some apple juice all in 8 minutes, and its time for documentations and medication administration at 1400.

5 more hours. 5 more hours. Almost there, almost there.Discharge one patient, clean the two left, its 1630, and a trauma alert goes off, "trauma alert adult in the Emergency Room"- announced 2x- to make sure its heard.
Indeed, this is a blessed profession.
Its 1700, and it's confirmed and admission on the way. A family member arrives and demands to speak to the doctor, at the same time call bell goes of in another patient room while the sedation, pain and paralytic infusing run's out- and pharmacy is yet to replenish inventory.
Indeed, this is a blessed profession.
It's 1800, dehydration, occasional mild calf spasms calls for hydration, mild headache is ignored. Siting becomes is heavenly earned, 5 missed calls from family and students for CPR class, and 4 text messages are replied; 100 emails ignored, and the heart and mind are in perfect harmony.
1830, IV is magically infiltrated, and bowel movement miraculously becomes demand from an assigned patient- another late night- looking like home at 2100, and a repeat of today tomorrow.
Indeed, this is a blessed profession.
Life without failure(s) is a life not worth lived
All the struggles has been worth it
It was difficult getting through some of them
But God's protection sculptured our failures into blessings
Looking back, there's nothing we would have changed
Nothing really
Maybe......no maybe: I've been reminded that we wouldn't have changed a thing
All the hardships have been worthwhile
Giving up is not an option
Our perceived failures have become fruitful
For the most part, we were both highly independent before we eloped.
Privacy, Freedom, No commitments,Lots of free-time, and on and on
Then came Love
Love says, "Henceforth, you live with each other for the rest of your lives-learn to live together.
What amazes us is how dependent we have become of each other. We continue to learn a lot about each other day-in-and-out. The things that we thought we knew about each other, evolves to another form.
The most important factor we have come to realize is paying attention to the "vital signs". We listen more, empathize and then explore solutions to our concerns. The vital signs include, " Becoming involved in our day-to-day obligations to decrease each other's work load.
Vital sign is anything that bother's the other- and that has to be attended to, in order to keep Love in equilibrium.
We pleasantly and jokingly share tasks.
We cook for each other
We always eat together
We plan our week(s) together
We set common goals
Love is a beautiful concept when embraced with spirituality. The peace and harmony we share is not by our own making. The challenges we overcome are not by our own strength; therefore, when we fall, we do not give up, because we believe in God to move us pass/past where we were before.
Amen to our
We've been together for almost 3 solid years, there has been good times, tough times, beautiful times, happy times, and lots of time for love.....We keep it kinky and lively to keep us going; wanna know how do we spice things up and keep the "fire burning"?
We keep our love candle burning inside out, by God's grace.....We blog this post with Anita Baker- you're my everything on the background, it's raining out, and we sit close to each other with eagerness to cuddle.
It's Sunday, so the mood is already blessed. It's quiet, peaceful, and we hear each other heartbeats through our closeness. We smile and wink at each other. She tickles me, and I think I might oddly hit some senseless keys on this keyboard dsjkcxlkl;k
You really wanna know how we keep our loved fueled up? There're so many things we do to spice up our love, and none of them are difficult to accomplish.
Being in a relationship is only fun when new things come up all the time- we don't keep on saying "Babe, I'm tired of doing this all the time".
No day is the same, therefore, every routine can definitely be tweaked up, and juiced up more, and more, and more, and more.
It's like a favorite project with an adventurous ambition/passion, blended in compassion, with intense and solemn eagerness to excel, mixed with the curiosity to give new explorations a thought.
Here are some approaches/ attempts that have been successful in spicing up our Love:
1. have not settled to please each other's needs....
Read next post for details
Oh boy!!!!
Why we pay so much attention in class. He writes me a "lovingly-silly" love note in the middle of a
Long and dragging Neurological disorder's lecture. Already, I had been so stressed out about the fact
that we didn't have a clinical site for this semester; yeah I know, I know, sometimes the nagging
demand's of tertiary education is a stone in my shoes............but after reading his note, it definitely put a
Smile on my face - I blushed and smiled through my self-induced stress....
Love note definitely came in handy
Amen to
The week is not over, however, these are the top 3 things we've loved far:
Loving: We (Dennis & Lilian) have worked almost 48 hours this week, and, have been able to blend in school, family and our love strong- all by God's grace. We are humbled everyday and pray for God's guidance and blessings in all we do.
Oliver-Mtukudzi-tuku is such an amazing musician, he lives and loves music. The lost of his son rocked his world, but he's been able to gain strength through music, and continues to recover. We have learned from his passion for his art and his love + dedication to family; on the whole his everlasting love for music.
Nelson Mandela recovers. His life means a lot to all of humanity, his struggle has healed a lot of wounds, and he's God sent. Compassionate, charismatic, forgiving, warm, and kind- a great deal of positive accolades for man to strive for
Leaning on each other is one of our strongest building blocks. We have been able to accomplish a lot together by gearing towards working together, sharing ideas, facing our fears, tackling and overcoming challenges.
I always thought I could be independent in all i did, i felt i didn't need anyone. I used to say "I would be able to accomplish all of my goals alone- I'm young, I can party, travel and have no concrete commitments. I would brag about " I don't need to be in a relationship" my friends, especially my lady friends would sigh in so much disappointment and uncertainty.
Fast forward to now, being in a relationship has boosted my achievements- actually I have been able to accomplish more together with my Boo than I would alone.
The teamwork is concrete, and what amazes me the most is the manner in which brainstorming together yields diverse and great viewpoints. Lets say I want to fly to Florida for a vacation when I was single,I would plan to stay in South Beach closer to the clubs and the night life- there's nothing wrong with that now; but now that is boosted with " how about we take a Ferry to Bahamas the next day....
Interdependence in our love is heavenly. Don't think for a second that we agree on everything, but we acknowledge and respect each other about everything.
Amen to our
I always thought I could be independent in all i did, i felt i didn't need anyone. I used to say "I would be able to accomplish all of my goals alone- I'm young, I can party, travel and have no concrete commitments. I would brag about " I don't need to be in a relationship" my friends, especially my lady friends would sigh in so much disappointment and uncertainty.
Fast forward to now, being in a relationship has boosted my achievements- actually I have been able to accomplish more together with my Boo than I would alone.
The teamwork is concrete, and what amazes me the most is the manner in which brainstorming together yields diverse and great viewpoints. Lets say I want to fly to Florida for a vacation when I was single,I would plan to stay in South Beach closer to the clubs and the night life- there's nothing wrong with that now; but now that is boosted with " how about we take a Ferry to Bahamas the next day....
Interdependence in our love is heavenly. Don't think for a second that we agree on everything, but we acknowledge and respect each other about everything.
Amen to our
West Palm Beach Florida, the second, after Church Sunday afternoon in New Jersey, and the third Nassau Bahamas
To Our Love
What a day this was........A day to remember.........We spent a great evening at the "The View Restaurant, Marque, Time's Square, NY. The food was amazing and there's something special about that building, you have to visit to find out, because we cannot let the secret out. Don't forget it's Time Square, NYC, make sure you have enough to spend, and most importantly be yourself and take that special "someone there; we can guarantee that you will not be disappointed.
Amen to
Our Love
Everyday we become more humbled by His grace
Everyday we see someone in need of better health
Everyday we see someone become better
Everyday we're thankful for all that God has us with- Love, Family, and Friends
Everyday we see a smile through a frown
Everyday we see an unforced tear of joy and sadness
But in-spite of all of this God sees us through - Everyday
Everyday we're humbled
Amen to our Love
Everyday we see someone in need of better health
Everyday we see someone become better
Everyday we're thankful for all that God has us with- Love, Family, and Friends
Everyday we see a smile through a frown
Everyday we see an unforced tear of joy and sadness
But in-spite of all of this God sees us through - Everyday
Everyday we're humbled
Amen to our Love
If I could live the rest of my life and love only - I would; I would not have to worry about work, work, and work.
I'd sleep my heart out, kiss my love when awake, enjoy morning runs and great sun-kissed weather, enjoy a long morning glory of a breakfast, and set off to volunteer at a local shelter
Imagine living without worrying about bills- I think that's love. We work so hard and we get old, get slow, get grey, get stuck in wisdom, and a cane becomes our best friend we share out life stories with- maybe that's love
If I had it my way, I'd travel and help the poor and the needy, learn different cultures, eat some cultural delicacies expressed in enticing aromatic food, heartfelt dance and soul gripping music- most importantly Love every second, and live always.
I'd sleep my heart out, kiss my love when awake, enjoy morning runs and great sun-kissed weather, enjoy a long morning glory of a breakfast, and set off to volunteer at a local shelter
Imagine living without worrying about bills- I think that's love. We work so hard and we get old, get slow, get grey, get stuck in wisdom, and a cane becomes our best friend we share out life stories with- maybe that's love
If I had it my way, I'd travel and help the poor and the needy, learn different cultures, eat some cultural delicacies expressed in enticing aromatic food, heartfelt dance and soul gripping music- most importantly Love every second, and live always.