Positive Newness This New Year

by - January 03, 2015

Happy New Year!!! 

It feels great to be starting a new year, there's so much excitement, and most importantly an innate feeling of " having survived another year"; to us, it is one the best times to refresh, rejuvenate and re- energize to continue the to meet the goals set from previous years, and to set new goals. 

Most importantly, we thank God for our lives, and we thank God for your life, and the lives of your families.

In refreshing our thoughts and memories about the past year, we are able to focus on what we were able to accomplish and not necessarily what we fell short. The positivism is contagious in a highly motivating way. There's a reason for the course of nature, therefore we've always felt more comfortable utilising the new year to fuel our momentum towards our long and short term goals. 

This year marks 5 years together and 2 years of marriage, therefore the excitement shadowing this beautiful milestones even though humbling, also echoes the beauty of love, life and living. This year we embrace some good grey hairs and more heavenly love and wisdom. Also more ease with our groins and loins as aging happily embrace us.

We promise to bring more posts this year, did we say that last year? Well, we will shed more open insights on our journey, and all the milestones we anticipate to accomplish. We're not there yet, but we can feel the thrill of accomplishments and more breakthroughs this year. Expect new photo's, with color, life, flamboyant depictions of nature, art and music. 

If you didn't get a chance to get a Chalebrand shirt last year, go to www.chalebrand.com 

2015 we are ready for you, and 2014, we cannot forget about you. We accomplished so much and we were able to connect the dots to loving more and celebrating friends and family. This year we plan to decipher our family tree and reach out more and find most of our roots to open better means of communication. 

We want to hear from you more this year, as through science and technology, the world gets smaller and better. Tells us more about your love. Share your experiences and challenges with us. We would love to hear from you.

As much as we'd try to escape to talk about some downers in 2014, it's only right to console anyone who lost a loved one or went through life's unpredictable challenges: everything is in God's hands, and God never fails. Therefore, believe that God's presence in our lives will de us through. 

Happy New Year
Love Always

Dennis & Lilian

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